Winter landscape - in spring


by gamini

First image opened and saved with brand new Photoshop CS3 Extended.

3 Responses to “Winter landscape - in spring”

  1. 1 Helen Andreson


    You have awesome site, very interesttng. What do you think about B4875S587 style?

  2. 2 tom


    thanx for visiting my site and linking it on your blog. i linked your site meanwhile too.

    you’ve got some nice work here. i especially like this shot- it’s very similar to one i took last winter. besides all professional comments and opinions- it just brings me back some memories. that’s why i like it…

  3. 3 Norbert Marklin

    Hi Gamini,

    I love this winter image.

    I enjoyed meeting you yesterday - I learned so much!

    Can you give me your email address.

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